Lash Extension
Prior to your appointment
Please remove all your eye makeup and clean your lashes with an oil-free make-up remover.
Avoid applying moisturiser around the eyes on the day of your appointment.
Avoid curling or perming your lashes.
A full lash does take time, so please make sure you have ample time for your appointment.
After Care
For optimal results and retention, keep the eyelash extensions dry for the first 48 hours post-application.
Do not pick, pull, rub or touch the lashes or the eyes, and clean the eyelashes with an eyelash foam cleanser every 3 days.
Ensure you continue to brush the eyelashes frequently and avoid sleeping on your face, exposing the lashes to direct heat including curling irons and do not apply oil-based products to and around the eyelid.
Ensure refill appointments are regularly scheduled to avoid overgrown eyelashes.
If you decide to remove your lashes, book an eyelash removal appointment so as to avoid any trauma to the natural lash of your eyes.
Please choose your refills carefully to suit your original lash extension type (classic, hybrid or volume) as well as the duration in weeks that you require the refill.
Each lash style is allocated a particular time to suit each lash style and we want to make sure that you leave the spa feeling amazing and ready for your day.
A two days grace will be provided if your booking has gone 2 days passed from the week you select. Anything past the 2 days will be charged to the following week portion available.

Lash Lift
After Care
To achieve optimal results, avoid moisture, excess steam and direct water contact to your lashes for the first 24 hours post lash lift, and attempt to sleep on your back to avoid lash drooping on the outer corners of the eye.
Within the first 24 hours, post lash lift. Do not use shampoos, conditioners, make-up, creams, eye serums or oils on and around the eye. Additionally, avoid the use of strong make-up remover.
Do not rub, play with or touch the lashes.
Do not use curling irons and avoid the use of oil containing mascara.

Brow Lamination
After Care
To achieve optimal results and retention, within the first 24 hours post brow Lamination treatment, do not wet or rub at the eyebrows, apply creams/oils around the eyebrow area, apply makeup to the eyebrows and take steamy showers, saunas or sweat excessively